Organizational development and change management

Organizational development and change management have been an integral part of my leadership positions.

I have completed both small and large changes. Exemple: from 2012-2013, I led a large change project at Grundfos R&D covering all approx. 700 employees. The project aimed to create a platform-based organization of optimization of standard solutions.

My work with organizational development and change management has given me a good insight into what it takes to change something in an organization - something that may have been a habit or routine for many years.

My work with changes has taught me how much effort is takes to ensure an effective implementation and anchoring.

I am experienced in handling both the rational as well as the irrational part of a change, as any change contains both facts and feelings.

StrandgaardConsult offers:

  • -Planning and implementing practical organizational development, with a focus on achieving the objectives set
  • -Management of change projects in the company/ organization

Tools / models I use: Kotter's model, cycle of change, rasic (roles and responsibilities).