Projektledelse & ledelse

Organisationsudvikling og forandringsledelse

Assessment af virksomhed/organisation

Om mig

  • Mit navn er Jan Strandgaard – Jeg har arbejdet 29 år i Danfoss, KEW Industry og Grundfos som udviklingsingeniør, projektleder, leder, chef og direktør for R&D-organisationer.

Pr. 1/8-2019 har jeg valgt at indlede et nyt kapitel i mit arbejdsliv. Jeg er startet som selvstændig inden for:

  • -Projektledelse & ledelse
  • -Organisationsudvikling & forandringsledelse
  • -EFQM assessment

Jeg brænder for at bruge den erfaring, jeg har fået igennem årene i flere forskellige organisationer og virksomheder. Mit specialeområde er R&D-organisationer, men jeg henvender mig også til andre funktioner i virksomheden.

Jeg udfører opgaverne ved dels at være på kundens lokation og dels fra eget kontor.

Jeg påtager mig længerevarende projekter, forløb på timebasis samt enkeltstående konsultationer.

Andre siger

”Jan has been coordinating the R&D function in Hiab taillifts between multiple sites and during a time when the business was undergoing complex restructuring. Jan is a very skilled R&D and project manager who can implement changes, stabilize an organization and introduce new ways of working. Jan has also brought in new technologies and tools, that help with efficiency and problem solving.”
Tomas Blomberg
Operational Excellence Director, HIAB
”Jeg har gennem mit mangeårige samarbejde med Jan oplevet hans store integritet udlevet i vanskelige forandringsprocesser, altid med fokus på fakta og samtidigt med et skarpt øje på menneskene omkring ham.”
Jimm Feldborg
Group Senior Director, Grundfos
”Jan har igennem mange år været en værdsat samarbejdspartner og kollega. Igennem sin store forretningsforståelse og mangeårige erfaring fra drift af en udviklingsfunktion, har han været et stort aktiv i både drift og udvikling af den forretning, han har været en del af.”
Kenth Hvid Nielsen
Senior Director, Water Utility, Grundfos
”Både i forandringsprojekter og som linjeleder har jeg oplevet Jan arbejde målrettet, struktureret, faktabaseret og på et meget højt fagligt niveau. Jan har samtidig stærke værdier, stor integritet og tilbyder fortrolighed og sparring både for medarbejdere og ledelse.”
Peter Karlsen
Vice President Group Technology, ROCKWOOL
”Jeg oplever Jan som en stærk, skarp og analytisk profil med et stort drive. Jan er hurtig til at skabe overblik og indsigt. Han har en forbilledlig hukommelse, som gør, at han kan rumme meget komplekse problemstillinger.”
Jan Harding Gliemann
Senior Vice President, DEIF
”I have had the pleasure of working with Jan Strandgaard for several years at Grundfos where we were in the same Management Group. The last interaction I had with him was when he was heading a large and complex change project. It was the biggest change project ever run in the global R&D organization. The project identified a completely new way of working in the R&D organization influencing not only the global R&D organization but the full value chain at Grundfos. It was a multinational and multi stakeholder project that both came up with new ways of working as well as a completely new organizational design. I see Jan as a strong Project Manager. During the execution he keeps his eye on the end goal while still paying attention to how it influences people around him. In the above project he particularly focused on stakeholder management, communication and change management”
Claus Riisgaard
HR Director, Beumer Group A/S
”Jan worked with us for 18 months as the project leader to standardize our global engineering processes, migrate to a common PLM system, FEA simulate and redesign of a product portfolio and update engineering drawings in order to enable a production transfer. During his time with us Jan brought a great deal of valuable experience and expertise that he was able to apply from day one. He was more than a consultant and displayed a high level of accountability for results, balancing this with the change management skills needed to get strong buy-in both from the project team and senior management. For a period of 7 months Jan also acted as interim R&D manager for the R&D locations in UK and Sweden. I would strongly recommend Jan for his functional and project leadership skills and his ability to successfully apply these in complex and challenging transformation projects. ”
Peter Robertson​
Director R&D and Product Management, HIAB tail lift division​